Selection of correct types of fabric:

If you think your baby would be the most precious thing in your life and you want them to get the best of everything. In 21st century many people are still unaware of the products that are harmful to their baby and can make huge difference in baby’s comfort. Many babies have Eczema problems by birth and doctors usually recommend them to use 100% cotton for their wearing accessories. But it is not important that your baby should have Eczema to wear 100% pure cotton. If you still go to any doctor with healthy, normal child they would definitely recommend you to use 100% pure cotton as cotton is considered as the best fabric for baby clothes; it gives them comfort and them to stay away from any type of skin disease. You must take care of your baby food that whatever they are taking should be organic and pure that same applies to babies’ clothes. Overall you have to keep good care of Newborn baby supplies [ของใช้เด็กแรกเกิด, which is the term in Thai].

Best fabric for newborn baby clothes:

There is a big difference between 100% pure cotton and conventional cotton, so one has to identify whatever they are buying for their newly born baby should be pure cotton. You might be thinking what the difference between pure cotton and conventional cotton. In the growing process of conventional cotton many chemicals are injected in fields. They use artificial fertilizer insecticides pesticides which will help them to grow faster. Whereas pure cotton field has no use of insecticides or any chemical that might react baby’s skin.

Why cotton is more reliable:

As babies skin are much thinner then elders they required special treatment. Pure cotton will help them to stay from any chemical reactions and cotton is consider as a softest fabric especially for baby clothes. Last but least cotton is more reliable and durable at same time

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